PGP PRO Dec 2021 | Introduction to Organizations and Leadership


Prof. Ian Larkin
His recent research focuses on corporate awards and other programs companies use to formally recognize employee performance, and demonstrates that these programs often have unintended costs, such as the demotivation of some employee groups. A final stream of research investigates physician prescribing decisions in light of different sales tactics used by pharmaceutical sales representatives. His research has been discussed in a variety of media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Forbes and National Public Radio.
Ian teaches the core Business Strategy course at Anderson. Before coming to Anderson, he was a member of the faculty at Harvard Business School, where he taught an elective MBA course on human resource management, as well as several executive education courses. He received a Ph.D. from the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley, and a M.Sc. from the University of London, where he was a British Marshall Scholar. Ian worked as an Associate and Engagement Manager for McKinsey and Company, based in Hong Kong and Silicon Valley.
Ian’s hobbies include cooking, traveling and supporting the Green Bay Packers.

Prof. Miguel Unzueta
Professor Unzueta teaches the core organizational behavior course for full-time MBA students (@MGMT 409). In 2010, he was awarded the George Robbins Assistant Professor Teaching Award. More recently, he was selected by Poets & Quants as one of the best 40 business school professors under age 40.
Professor Unzueta is currently serving on the editorial board of Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies and is a member of the Riordan Programs’ advisory board.
Course Learning Objectives:
- Explain the value of an organization in terms of how it manages resources and transforms inputs into more valuable outputs.
- Evaluate a potential diversification opportunity that involves a key resource’s appropriability, control, durability, and inimitability.
- Determine the best course of action for a company that is considering vertical/horizontal integration or geographic diversification.
- Evaluate managerial applicants’ mindsets for the following qualities: communication skills, motivation, and ability to learn and adjust.
- Determine appropriate coaching steps for employees who exhibit various levels of performance and potential.
- Design an effective and appropriate disciplinary action plan that is timely, rule-based, and includes managerial action.
- Plan specific steps to bridge the gap between the current state and the desired state bringing both managerial and leadership skills to bear.
- Create a RACI chart that shows how work on specific tasks should be allocated.
- Write a brief sketch of a great leader – either someone you know or a public figure – that describes two key characteristics that define the individual’s leadership and defend your position with facts.
- Solve a problem involving a lack of management control in a business situation.
- Create a list of tips for coaching an employee who is demonstrating unacceptable behavior.
- Introduction to Organizations - Structures
- Introduction to Organizations - Motivations
- Management and Leadership Principles
- Management and Leadership - Key Skills
Learning Objectives:
- Explain the value of an organization in terms of how it manages resources and transforms inputs into more valuable outputs.
- Evaluate a potential diversification opportunity that involves a key resource’s appropriability, control, durability, and inimitability.
- Determine the best course of action for a company that is considering vertical/horizontal integration or geographic diversification.
Module Components:
Video Lectures:
- Understanding an Organization
- Organizational Scope & Horizontal Diversification
- Vertical and Horizontal Integration and Geographic Diversification
- Customer value creation towards revenue generation
- Horizontal Integration
- Vertical Integration
Case Study:
- Drastic Publishing (Introduction to Organizations – Structures)
- Understanding an Organization
Learning Objectives:
- Evaluate managerial applicants’ mindsets for the following qualities: communication skills, motivation, and ability to learn and adjust.
- Determine appropriate coaching steps for employees who exhibit various levels of performance and potential.
- Design an effective and appropriate disciplinary action plan that is timely, rule-based, and includes managerial action.
Module Components:
Video Lectures:
- Manager’s Role in an Organization
- Incentives Design, Part 1
- Incentives Design, Part 2
- Mintzberg’s Management Roles
- Manager’s Role in Motivating Employees
- Misconduct & Discipline in Workplace
- Framework for Work Motivation
Case Study:
- Drastic Publishing (Introduction to Organizations – Motivations)
- Managing an Organization
Learning Objectives:
- Plan specific steps to bridge the gap between the current state and the desired state bringing both managerial and leadership skills to bear.
- Create a RACI chart that shows how work on specific tasks should be allocated.
Module Components:
Video Lectures:
- Defining Management and Leadership
- Strategic Planning
- Organizing and Allocating Resources
- Top 10 Leadership qualities of a Project Manager
- Strategic Leadership: The Essential Skills
- Relationship between Personality and Managerial Performance
Case Study:
- Drastic Publishing (Management and Leadership Principles)
- Management & Leadership Principles
Learning Objectives:
- Write a brief sketch of a great leader – either someone you know or a public figure – that describes two key characteristics that define the individual’s leadership and defend your position with facts.
- Solve a problem involving a lack of management control in a business situation.
- Create a list of tips for coaching an employee who is demonstrating unacceptable behavior.
Module Components:
Video Lectures:
- Leading Teams and People
- Establishing Management Controls
- Staffing and Talent Management
- Ethical Management and Leadership
- Building and Leveraging Informal Networks
- Ethical Leadership: Right Relationships and the Emotional Bottom Line
- Ethical Leadership: Doing the Right Thing
Case Study:
- Drastic Publishing (Management and Leadership – Key Skills)
- Management & Leadership Skills